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Slimming World - An introduction

By 13:42

 I am most definitely a tried a diet and got the t-shirt (albeit most of the time not in a smaller size) type of person, although I try to stick to it I always find myself rolling (quite literally) off the rails again a few weeks or days down the line. This time round with Slimming World I have been more determined, I have something to work towards, that something being a two week holiday to Mexico with my boyfriend in September 2016. My aim is to be four stone lighter for this adventure and as such I am more determined than ever to stick to Slimming World, and, what better way to stick to it than be accountable to the whole of the internet and not just my Slimming World group! 

So far I have lost 1 stone 12 1/2 lbs and I have definitely now hit the "wall" this blog is hopefully a avenue for overcoming this and somewhere where I can express and vent when the day to day pressures of life get to much. I hope you enjoy my journey as much as I am hoping to and I hope you are inspired by some of the recipes/ reviews. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me! 


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